Close the door and pray..

Closed, polished brown wood doors.

We recently enjoyed a wonderful time of shared prayer, at our Members’ Prayer Time on Zoom.

Prayer is such a precious thing; I find it amazing that we all, each and every one, have instant access to God, our Father, through Jesus, the Living Way.

“….when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.”  (Matthew 6:6)

I recently came across this old poem by William White Runyan, and I think it says it all; I hope you enjoy it, despite its rather archaic language! 

Lord, I have shut the door – speak now the word

which in the din and throng could not be heard;  

hushed now, my inner heart, whisper Thy will,    

while I have come apart, while all is still.

Lord, I have shut the door, here do I bow; 

speak, for my soul attent turns to Thee now. 

Rebuke Thou what is vain, counsel my soul,

Thy holy will reveal, my will control.

In this blest quietness clamourings cease, 

here in Thy presence dwells infinite peace;  

Yonder the strife and cry, yonder the sin:  

Lord, I have shut the door, Thou art within.

Lord, I have shut the door; strengthen my heart; 

yonder awaits the task – I share a part. 

Only through grace bestowed may I be true,   

here, while alone with Thee, my strength renew.

Our next Members’ prayer time will be on Friday, 14 March, 2-3pm.  All are welcome.  Contact Sophie at for more information.


New Beginnings – a reflection for Advent