07396 236214 (voice & text) | info@openears.org.uk

Statement Of Faith

All the National Committee members of Open Ears are Christian people who believe the following:

We believe in the Trinity of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One in Three and Three in One.

We believe God is revealed through creation; through Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God; and through the Bible, the inspired Word of God.

We believe God’s Son, Jesus Christ, to be fully divine and fully human, without sin.

We believe that all have sinned by choosing to live separately from God, but in His great love for us God sent Jesus Christ to take these sins upon himself to the Cross, making restoration of friendship with the Father possible.

We believe that freedom and release from the consequences of our sins is only accomplished through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, his glorious resurrection from the dead and his ascension into heaven.

We believe we need to respond to the love of God in Jesus Christ in faith, turning away from our sins and receiving his forgiveness and the promise of eternal life as an unearned free gift.

We believe that we are made right with God by faith to do deeds of love and kindness for God’s glory.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, and that all things are in him and through him and for him.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, who brings us to faith and aids and empowers us to live the Christian life.

We believe that Christ will return and usher in the promised Kingdom of God, which has been inaugurated in the present age through his baptism and ministry and his death and resurrection.

What we do

Open Ears offers a range of support and advice both to individuals facing the challenges of living with impaired hearing and to friends, families, and supporters of people with hearing loss.

Our support includes friendship, pastoral care, prayer, practical advice, opportunities to attend events, training, information on hearing loss, resources, and links to useful websites.

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