Jesus, the greatest joy giver. By Paige Squirrell

Image of square piece of paper pegged to a curtain, and displaying the Bible verse John 15:11 which says “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

Image of square piece of paper pegged to a curtain, and displaying the Bible verse John 15:11 which says “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

Eugene Peterson paraphrases this verse as: ‘I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature.’

Jesus never wasted any of His words. Every word had meaning and purpose. Each one spoken brought insight, transformation, healing, and peace. His words gave life and were full of the Spirit.

Cling to His words. Think on them. Hold them close. Treasure them. They will fill you with joy and give you everything you need.

I love how Eugene Peterson talks about a mature joy. What is that?

When Jesus talks about joy, He isn’t referring to what we understand as ‘happiness’ or ‘excitement’. His joy isn’t about getting a dopamine hit from time to time and then looking for the next one. His joy isn’t enjoying an easy life. Would this be an immature joy?

Jesus is painting the picture of a deep-rooted joy that finds its source in being right with God, abiding in His love, and obeying His commandments. No one, no circumstance, no pressure, no strain or stress, not anything can take that joy from us unless we let it.

Nothing compares to being right with God, experiencing His love and care, and then following His ways because we know they are best.

Isn’t it incredible that when Jesus spoke about His joy, the disciples didn’t question what He meant. They must have seen joy in His life. It must have been so evident. Makes me think, our walk with Him is meant to be a joyful experience, not a miserable one.

My prayer today:

Lord, may our lives be marked by a deep joy that comes from being right with You, our Gardener, staying connected to You, Jesus, our True Vine, and obeying Your desires and commandments.

May we experience Your joy, Father, Friend, and Helper.

May we be strengthened by it and radiate it to a world in desperate need of true joy.

May our joy be mature and complete so we bear Your name well.

In your powerful name, Jesus,


Guest Blogger

This article was written by one of Open Ears' guest contributors, sharing their reflections on faith and life.


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