Daily Prayer
''Thank the Lord for His help and protection this past month; can you praise Him for a specific time you have experienced His help?
Daily Prayer
Hearing Loss
Pray for Open Ears to become known among those with hearing loss.
Daily Prayer
Family & Friends
Pray for your family and friends as they look towards a new year. Ask God to bless them and keep them in His love.
Daily Prayer
Open Ears
Give thanks for Open Ears. Pray that as we go forward into another year, Open Ears will continue to grow in numbers, grow deeper into God and serve its members according to God’s will.
Daily Prayer
Thank God that He loved the world so much that he sent Jesus for us.
Daily Prayer
Devotional - 2 Corinthians 4:18
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen…which is eternal.”
As small children are excited, eagerly anticipating Christmas, we should be fixing our eyes on what is to come, our glorious future with the Lord.