Daily Prayer
Hearing Loss
''Give thanks for the audiology specialists working with deaf and hard of hearing patients to improve their outcomes.
Daily Prayer
Take some time to 'count your blessings' and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness.
Daily Prayer
Devotional - Psalm 119:105
'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.' The Bible is freely available to us; choose a passage to read today and live by it this week.
Daily Prayer
''Pray for local church leaders to understand the needs of people with hearing loss and integrate them into the church
Daily Prayer
World - Egypt
There are approximately 1.2 million deaf and hard of hearing individuals in Egypt. The Deaf Ministries International is a faith-based organization that works to give deaf individuals the right to education, employment, and to be able to practice their faith.
Daily Prayer
Family & Friends
"Lord, thank you that you 'set the lonely in families.'(Psalm 68:6) Thank you that you've given families such an important role to reach out to those amongst them who are lonely. Please empower our families in that, Lord and give them joy."
Daily Prayer
Open Ears
Pray for Mary Bucknall, Open Ears' Vice Chair and responsible for keeping our policies updated.
Daily Prayer
Hearing Loss
Pray for those children who are deaf or hard of hearing in developing countries that they may receive the specialist education and support they need.
Daily Prayer
''Thank the Lord for His help and protection this past month; can you praise Him for a specific time you have experienced His help?
Daily Prayer
Devotional - Psalm 33:20
'We wait in hope for the Lord, He is our help and our shield'
Waiting isn't always easy, but as we wait, let's put our hope in the Lord.
Daily Prayer
''We pray for Christians with hearing loss unable to attend church today, please encourage them Lord.
Daily Prayer
Denmark has passed national laws to further guarantee rights for deaf individuals, such as the Consolidated Health Act ensuring interpreters during medical care.
Daily Prayer
Family & Friends
We pray for our loved ones, that they will experience your gift of joy and laughter today.
Daily Prayer
Hearing Loss
Pray for the babies who are born deaf in the UK, that they may receive Your love and care from the very beginning.
Daily Prayer
''Give God thanks that He is utterly trustworthy and will never abandon those who seek Him.
Daily Prayer
Devotional - Psalm 9:10
'Those who know Your Name will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.'
What does the Name of Jesus mean to you? Spend a few moments in worshipping Him.
Daily Prayer
''Pray for parents with children with hearing loss that they will be able to worship God today
Daily Prayer
"The Chinese government has initiated national programs such as the China Disabled Persons Federation to fund prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of hearing impairment.
Daily Prayer
Family & Friends
Thank you for the joy of relationships with special people, for the comfort and companonship they bring us, for our close family members and friends who are dear to us. We pray they will all experience your peace and hope in this new year.