Daily Prayer
''Give thanks for the NHS and all those who care for the sick and infirm.
Daily Prayer
Devotional - Deuteronomy 31:8
'The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you' Whatever you are facing this week, isn't it good to know that the Lord goes before you and will be with you?
Daily Prayer
''Pray for all the churches represented by Open Ears members that they will be strong for the Lord
Daily Prayer
World - Hungary
The Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing was founded in 1907. The goal of this association is to improve the lives and access to education of deaf and hard of hearing Hungarians. It provides assistance such as legal consultation, communication courses, audiology centres, and help with paperwork/applications.
Daily Prayer
Family & Friends
Thank you for our parents and for all they've been to us in our lives. Thank you for the ways they've sought to nurture, guide and provide for us. We thank you for them and that you understand the blessing of good parents and know how deep their impact is on us as we grow.
Daily Prayer
Open Ears
''Pray for Tracy Williamson and give thanks for her beautiful blogs and meditations.
Daily Prayer
Hearing Loss
Thank the Lord for telephone relay assistants who tirelessly work to convey typed conversations to hearing people and vice versa.
Daily Prayer
''Take some time to 'count your blessings' and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness.
Daily Prayer
Devotional - Psalm 29:11
'The Lord blesses His people with peace' The Lord's peace is not dependent on what is going on around us, it comes from Who He is; take hold of His blessing of peace today.
Daily Prayer
''Pray for leaders of churches that they will prioritise their personal walk with Jesus.
Daily Prayer
World - Guatemala
In Guatemala, approximately one in every twenty people are deaf. Guatemala Deaf Ministries is providing a sense of community through the many different activities happening each week. There are parent classes, community classes, a deaf fellowship once a month, and church services on Sunday.
Daily Prayer
Prayer Meeting - Team
''Pray for the prayer meeting of the whole Team of Open Ears. Pray that everyone will feel comfortable to bring their prayer requests and that God's presence will be felt by everyone who attends. Thank God that we can come to him and spend time in prayer.
Daily Prayer
''Give thanks for Susanne Willdig and other STT typists who enable good communication at Open Ears' events. Pray that the quiz tonight would be a good time of fun and fellowship.
Daily Prayer
Hearing Loss
Pray for the hearing children of deaf parents who have special challenges to face.
Daily Prayer
''Give God thanks for everything in your life which bring you joy; often we find it easier to grumble, but joy and thankfulness bring strength and contentment.
Daily Prayer
Devotional - Nehemiah 8:10
'The joy of the Lord is your strength' What an amazing truth - when we find true joy in the Lord, He strengthens us.
Daily Prayer
''Pray for the church in the UK to be empathetic to people with additional needs
Daily Prayer
World - France
Many children who are born in France are screened for deafness within the first week of their lives. Pray for the families and professionals caring for babies who are found to have hearing loss.
Daily Prayer
Trustees Meeting
Please guide the Trustees as they meet together for the first time this year. Give them all the wisdom, strength and new vision they need and unity as they make decisions and plans for the coming year.
Daily Prayer
Open Ears
Pray for the spring edition of Hearing Eye, the magazine of Open Ears.